DABBLERS - traduction vers arabe
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DABBLERS - traduction vers arabe




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Exemples de prononciation pour DABBLERS
1. if you will, who are all kind of like dabblers on the same path,
The Yoga of Max's Discontent _ Karan Bajaj _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour DABBLERS
1. But bloggers are often seen by "serious" journalists as shouters, dilettantes and dabblers rather than serious participants in the media discourse.
2. But I argue that these definitions should be precisely the opposite, at least for real investors, not dabblers who hop in and out hoping for quick profit.
3. The report classified Indian youth into three segments Dabblers (13–21 years), Aspirers (22–28 years) and Thrivers (2' –35 years) and said India with the world‘s largest youth population is indeed a resplendent market and a priority market for international retailers.
4. Women not only triumphed at the weekends first Times National Su Doku Championship, they ruled the roost. (Thank goodness for Matthew Funnell, winner among 12 to 16–year–olds, who salvaged some male pride.) It has long been one of the quiet little (guilty?) secrets of the Su Doku phenomenon that there are as many women addicts and dabblers as men.
5. Use us when you want us, don’t give us the 15–percent pay rise because we are not worth it, but do ask us to invest in the failing stock market.» She thought it was insulting that expats were invited to join a failing stock market, and only invited to take part when it’s faltering. «We are not stock market dabblers,» she said of her own investments, «but we would be property investors.» «Transparency is the big thing; there are no clear systems of recourse, no legal comeback, no security,» said Leslie K. «Imagine the difficulty of getting a visa if you wanted to come back to take legal proceedings against a company.